Introduction: When it comes to installing epoxy flooring, one of the most pressing questions for homeowners and business owners alike is: “How much will my epoxy floor cost?” At Lehigh Valley Epoxy Coatings, we understand that while price is a crucial factor, the reality of epoxy flooring costs involves more than just a simple figure over the phone.

The Problem with Over-the-Phone Estimates: Our recent video sheds light on why over-the-phone or online estimates are often misleading. A 20×20 garage floor might seem straightforward to price, but several underlying factors play a significant role in the final cost.

Key Factors Influencing Epoxy Flooring Costs:

  • Floor Condition: The current state of your concrete floor significantly impacts the cost. Older floors might require more prep work than newer ones.
  • Floor Usage: How you plan to use the floor (e.g., heavy machinery, foot traffic) dictates the type of epoxy needed.
  • Material Quality: The quality of epoxy used varies in cost. High-end materials might be more expensive but offer better longevity.
  • Customization: Custom features like metallic finishes or specific colors can add to the overall cost.

Why In-Person Estimates Matter: In our experience, meeting with a contractor in person is crucial. This meeting isn’t just about assessing the floor but also about understanding your specific needs and preferences. It ensures that the quote you receive is tailored specifically to your project, eliminating surprises down the line.

Our Approach at Lehigh Valley Epoxy Coatings: We believe in transparency and accuracy. That’s why we prefer conducting an on-site evaluation of your flooring project. This allows us to provide a more accurate and detailed estimate, taking into account all the factors mentioned.

Conclusion: Epoxy flooring is an investment in your property. While it might be tempting to look for quick, over-the-phone quotes, the reality is that accurate pricing requires a detailed understanding of your specific needs and the condition of your floor. At Lehigh Valley Epoxy Coatings, we’re committed to providing you with honest, detailed, and accurate estimates for your flooring projects.

Visit us at to learn more or to schedule an in-person estimate. Book an estimate at: Calendly – Amato Painting and Lehigh Valley Epoxy